
36 Days of Type

Tom Bartlett | Motion Design | Illustration | Art Direction

36 Days of Type


As part of the annual global competition, 36 Days of Type - in 2022 I set myself the task of producing a daily 3D visualisation of a ‘character’ from the alphabet. The open brief allowed participants to fully explore typography and create highly creative work.


I produced a playful set of characters called The Alpha Animals. The end result formed a collective of highly vibrant and creative visuals that explored ‘character’ more widely. Focussing on persona’s with little features that most importantly resonates fun.

I modelled all elements in C4D and explored the use of stage lighting to add drama to each set. My background in stage lighting and photography really helped me to understand the lighting placement needed to get the desired effect. For instance the use of multiple hair lights and lighting from behind allowed me to focus in on the details such as the ’tufty‘ hairs that protrude the head. My use of shaders, noise and hair objects allowed a flexibility and control over each individual head of hairs. This made for a creative dynamic use of hair that displayed the use of texture against a contrasting flatter colourful background.